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What Our Supporters Say


Former Presidential Candidate & Founder of NextGen Climate

Tom Steyer

"Commissioner Boyle was a great surrogate for our campaign. As Commissioner of the Revenue, Tiffany has expanded the community outreach of her office and focuses every day on listening to and delivering for her constituents. I know she will continue to serve her community with the leadership these uncertain times demand."


State Senator

Mamie Locke

"I am so impressed by Tiffany's energy and knowledge about the impact of the Commissioner of the Revenue. Tiffany is the woman for the job."


Virginia Attorney General 

Mark Herring

"I am real proud of her and I know she will do a good job."


Newport News Sheriff

Gabe Morgan

"Tiffany is educated, she represents well and she wants to make a difference. We need young energetic folks like Tiffany to take charge."


Newport News School Board Member

Marvin Harris

"When you talk about leadership, Tiffany has all of the intangibles. She is loyal to her word, she displays integrity, and she posses mental courage."

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Newport News Councilwoman

Sharon Scott

"Commissioner Boyle is a proven leader.  She transformed the Commissioner’s office to reflect modern day services.  She has extended her role as Commissioner, beyond the walls,  providing community services that uplift and inspire.  She is a true servant leader who has learned the value of partnerships that benefit the citizens.  Tiffany Boyle has earned an opportunity to continue to serve as Commissioner of the Revenue."


Newport News Councilman

David Jenkins

"Four years ago when I supported Tiffany Boyle, I was impressed with her vision. I am glad Tiffany was elected. Since taking office she has consistently demonstrated her leadership in the office and in the community. Her intelligence and dedication have made the office a model within our Commonwealth. I am excited to see the achievements she will have in her next term."


Newport News Councilman

Marcellus "B2" Harris

"Commissioner Boyle has proven to be innovative, active, and efficient throughout her term. As a community advocate and leader she continues to be present and engaged. It is with great pleasure that I endose Ms. Boyle into continuing to bring a fresh perspective to this offic."


Hampton Councilman

Steve Brown

"Tiffany Boyle is an innovative and creative elected official. She, along with her leadership team, have transformed the Newport News Commissioner of the Revenues Office in just a few short years. Tiffany prides herself in being a servant leader and has instituted operational changes and policies to her office that reflect her vision of excellence, competence and customer service. It's my pleasure to endorse her for re-election as Commissioner of the Revenue for the City of Newport News."

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Former Norfolk Councilwoman

Andria McClellan

“Our economy rests on the shoulders of our taxpayers. That includes our small businesses, our veterans, our workforce and families. As Commissioner of the Revenue, Tiffany's innovative and solutions-oriented leadership has proven the value of advocacy for and the importance of an economy that embraces those very same taxpayers.”


Newport News School Board Member

Gary Hunter

"We are lucky to have Tiffany Boyle as the Commissioner of the Revenue. She has done an amazing job during her first term. Let's give her an opportunity to continue improving and moving the office in this positive direction."



Jennifer McClellan

"Tiffany has taken an innovative approach to serving as Commissioner of the Revenue. Her influence within public service has been instrumental for taxpayers in creating Virginia's first statewide minority business commission, as well as, other social initiatives focused on better service for the community. I am proud to support Commissioner Boyle for another term."

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